200hr empower & evolve
yoga teacher training
ARE YOU READY to Empower & Evolve Your Yoga & Your Life!?
Connect to your highest self, possibility & potential by deepening your yoga practice on the mat and bringing it into the world! Join two of Philadelphia’s very sought after teachers, Daniel Cordua & MJ Heart for a 200 hour yoga teacher training intensive through the summer season.
This training will not only give you a comprehensive foundation for becoming a skilled and proficient yoga teacher, it will merge your spirit with the ancient wisdom of yoga lineages and enrich your spiritual journey in profound ways!
Palo Santo’s summer immersion includes 5 full weekends in studio in South Philly, a 4 day + 3 night Yogic Lifestyle Nature Retreat in the Pocono Mountains, teaching opportunities upon completion of coursework, ongoing mentorship and individualized attention with lead facilitators, and so much more.
Functional Anatomy & Physiology + Foundation, Alignment, Refinement of Asana + Deep Exploration of Yoga Philosophy & Yoga Wisdom Literature + Ayurveda : the Sister Science of Yoga + Mantra Meditation & Leading Kirtan + Safe & Expressive Sequencing + Teaching Yoga to Beginners + Theming Yoga Classes & Dharma Talks + Verbal Instruction, Cueing, & Adjustments + Pranayama + Breathwork + Chakras & Subtle Body Energy + Goddesses & Gods of Yoga + Intro to Yin Yoga + Using Props in Practice + Hands-on Assists + Adjustments + Introduction to Ashtanga + Ethics of Teaching & Teaching to Special Populations + Cultural Appreciation VS Cultural Appropriation + Finding Your Voice & Personal Empowerment + The Business of Yoga & the Yoga of Business + Teaching & Asana Labs + Studio Shadowing & One-On-One Mentorship Meetings + More
All Sessions in-person, in Philadelphia, at Palo Santo Yoga
4 days, 3 nights Room, Board, Meals and Amenities at nature retreat in the Pocono Mountains
Special Online Community Connection & Integration sessions both before and after training concludes
Opportunity to teach real, live yoga classes at Palo Santo
Ongoing access to & mentorship with lead teachers conclusive of the training including one-on-one meet-ups with lead teachers
Free Yoga Classes at Palo Santo for six months including the duration of training
20% off workshops, services, sessions and more during extent of training months
Tuition Options
Payment in Full Discount or Payment Plan (includes a $500 deposit to secure your spot- full balance due by June 1st, total $3400)
Payment Plan After Start of Training
$500 is due by the first class (deposit to secure your space), total due in regular payments before August 15th
All credit card payments subject to 3.5% fee
*To get information on fee-free payments please email us
Refund Policy: Your deposit is non-refundable. In cases where a student has paid tuition and cannot attend, 75% minus your deposit/application fee is refundable up to 1 month prior to the start of the training. 50% of tuition minus your deposit/application fee is refundable if you cancel between 15 and 30 days prior to the start of the training. 30% is refunded if you cancel between 1 and 14 days before the training. Once the training starts, tuition is non-refundable.
BIPOC Scholarship: Scholarship assistance (limited amount) is available to BIPOC students. Please contact us for more information and to apply. Applications are due by May 15th, 2024
space is limited to ensure an intimate training experience & individualized attention!
To apply & interview for this deep & powerful experience, email us here: palosantowellnessboutique@gmail.com
the lead facilitators :
yoga teacher training
What is the reach of the space you are holding for your students?
Have you moved beyond the knowledge + skills gained in your 200hr training?
Is there something missing in your motivation & ability to stand in your full power + potential as a teacher?
Are you ready to dive deeper into the physical, mental, emotional, & spiritual lineages of yoga you embody, embrace, practice and preach?
Are you ready to elevate into a higher version of Self & expand your horizons as both a student and teacher again?
Palo Santo Yoga & Wellness is excited to announce our upcoming 300hr Yoga Teacher Training beginning in June 2024.️
Where contemporary wellness meets and merges with ancient application.
Join us for a deeply integrative educational offering with modern approaches of trauma informed, therapeutic + holistic practices blended seamlessly alongside deep roots of ancient wisdom + spiritual lineage.
This training offers 12 full weekends in-studio in South Philly and ends with an Immersive 5 Day Desert Retreat right outside of Phoenix, Arizona. Over the course of 7 months, you will experience the opportunity to expand & evolve with our experienced team of Yoga, Health & Wellness Professionals facilitating diverse + unique lessons and perspectives of various lineages and origin.
History of Yoga: An Exploration / Stories of the Goddesses + Gods of Yoga: How to Bring Storytelling & Yoga Wisdom into Your Teaching / Applicable Sanskrit Training / Applied Anatomy to Foundational Asana + Injury Prevention in Practice / Yoga Therapeutics : The Holistic Approach to Yoga Asana / Biomechanics of Posture & Energy Spirals of Asana / Creating Dynamic Sequences + Teaching to Diverse Populations / How to Theme Your Yoga Classes Masterfully: Theory + Practicum / The Voice of the Teacher - Developing Your Unique Yoga Teaching Voice / Seven Subtle Centers, a deep dive into the primary chakras / Embodying the Energies of the Divine Feminine & Masculine: Breathwork + Embodiment Practices / Prana in Practice : Mudras, Bandhas, & Breathwork / Leading Kirtan: Mantra, Chanting & Harmonium Practice + Practicum / The Body as a Metaphor - how emotions are stored & released through practice / How to Hold a Safe, Sacred, & Transformative Container: Circling Theory + Practicum / Trauma-Informed Yoga Teaching / Sequencing + Cueing to the Nervous System / Restorative Yoga Training / Lessons of Yoga Nidra / Using Props in Practice / Combing the Collective Consciousness : core commonalities of different spiritual lineages / Living Ayurveda Intensive: Lifestyle, Practices, Diet, & Cooking / The Miracle of Plant Medicine & Yoga / Teaching "Advanced" Asanas / Cultural Appreciation vs Cultural Appropriation + Decolonizing Yoga / Bhakti Immersion & the Bhagavad Gita Philosophy + Practices / Tantra Philosophy & Practices / Yoga Sutras & Yamas + Niyamas Intensive / Exploration of Other Key Yogic Texts (Upanishads, Ramayana, and more) / Teaching Ethics, Conscious Communication, Boundaries, Leadership and Relational Skills in Community + Connection for Yoga Teachers / Business of Yoga & the Yoga of Business Deep Dive / Learning & Teaching Meditation + Mantra / SEVA - The Yoga of Service - Creating a Service-based Yoga Community Project / Teaching Labs, Feedback & Practicum
Meeting Times + Tuition Options
Fridays 6:30-9pm
Saturdays 1:30-8:00pm
Sundays 12:30-6pm
Payment in Full Discount or Payment Plan finished before start of training
(includes a $650 deposit to secure your spot- full balance due 2 weeks prior to program start date)
Payment Plan After Start of Training
$650 is due by the first class (deposit to secure your space), with the balance to be paid in 10 additional monthly installments
All credit card payments subject to 3.5% fee
*To get information on fee-free payments please email us
Refund Policy: Your deposit is non-refundable. In cases where a student has paid tuition and cannot attend, 75% minus your deposit/application fee is refundable up to 1 month prior to the start of the training. 50% of tuition minus your deposit/application fee is refundable if you cancel between 15 and 30 days prior to the start of the training. 30% is refunded if you cancel between 1 and 14 days before the training. Once the training starts, tuition is non-refundable.
BIPOC Scholarship: Scholarship assistance (limited amount) is available to BIPOC students. Please contact us for more information and to apply. Applications are due by May 1st, 2024
10% discount for those who have taken or are taking a 200hr or 50hr training at Palo Santo Yoga
10% discount for teachers at Palo Santo Yoga
Space is limited to ensure an intimate container for personal growth and soul expansion - reach out to reserve your place with us!
To apply & interview for this deep & powerful experience, email us here: palosantowellnessboutique@gmail.com
the guides & facilitators
Colette Marie is an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher 500-Hours (ERYT-500) through the Yoga Alliance, as well as a member of the Black Yoga Teachers Alliance. Colette has been an esteemed teacher for almost 20 years teaching in cities such as Atlanta, Georgia, St. Petersburg, Florida, Stamford, Connecticut, New York City, and currently, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Her body of work includes teaching as many as 20,000 yoga classes, 500 workshops, and directing a handful of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Programs. Moreover, Colette Marie is also a Yoga Educator, a Certified Personal Trainer through the American Council On Exercise (ACE), offering High Intensity Interval Training, Strength & Conditioning, and Weightlifting programs. Additionally, Colette Marie is a self-taught Thai Yoga Stretch Practitioner, Certified Foot Reflexologist in the Universal System, Certified Reiki Practitioner in the Usui system, Self-Published Author, Professional Photographer, Podcast Content Creator, Show Host and IG Influencer.
Erik Marrero started practicing yoga in 2007. The following year, as part of Yoga Teacher Training, he took a Sanskrit immersion weekend with Zoe Mai of the American Sanskrit Institute (ASI). He was amazed that by the end of the second day, he was able to read Sanskrit words. The ASI learning model made that possible. In July 2011, with Zoe as his teacher, Erik joined Trishula Yoga’s weekly Sanskrit study group focusing on chanting and studying the Yoga Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, and other texts, as well as chanting the Sanskrit alphabet and Maheshvara Sutras. In July 2013, Erik participated in ASI Sanskrit Level 1 Teacher Training with Zoe Mai. Since then, Erik has been teaching "Introduction to Sanskrit" workshops in the United States and Canada. Erik studies and teaches Yin, Vinyasa, & Ashtanga yoga and is registered with Yoga Alliance as an E-RYT 500 and a YACEP.
Collen Kropp has been part of the Palo Santo Family since year one! She started her relationship with yoga while living in NYC, but then she really "found" it when she moved to Philly in 2010 at the start of her graduate program. She felt it as the only therapeutic modality that kept her both open and grounded while navigating her PhD program in Literature at Temple (did you know that yoga and 18th century British studies pair wonderfully together?). She has over 250+ hours of formal yoga training, including yin, yoga nidra, prenatal, and pranayama. She also teaches Pilates, which she believes acts as a beautiful complement to our asana and breathwork practices. Besides instruction, Colleen's career is steeped in the practice of writing about yoga, therapeutic modalities, and wellness. She has a particular passion for the introspective practices of Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra and wants to continue to share these forms of self-inquiry with her Philadelphia community.