Unconditional Rest : Monthly Restorative
Unconditional Rest
A monthly restorative offering with Lindsey Gill
Far too often we forget that yoga is not just the practice of high-energy vinyasa or strong asana, but also a way of tuning into our inner work & calming the mind through slowness and stillness.
We know - it's not always easy in a world that equates success to how fast or how hard we can work towards our goals. There is wisdom in the idea that an equally strong practice of the opposite energy - one that is sweet, slow, and nurturing to the mind - can lead to a stronger, grounded presence in our work and family lives.
In this donation-based community offering, join Lindsey Gill of Palo Santo one Saturday evening of the month for an hour of restorative yoga and guided pranayama. When we learn to rest deeper and more effectively in our own bodies, it has a synergistic effect on how we show up for others.
Take this time for your own healing and lean into emotions on a physical level by using long holds with blankets and bolsters. Deep breathing and light use of massage therapy balls will also be incorporated. Use this time to explore, experiment, and most importantly, gain useful tools for a deeper resting yoga practice.
All props provided + space is limited for an intimate experience + register via MindBody to reserve your space for this monthly reset!
$15-30 suggested donation